Sunday, January 21, 2007

USMNT/MLS in 2010 Survey

Take the survey (10 questions).

Results will be posted in a few weeks. If this gets a good response, then maybe I'll make them on a regular basis. Personally I love doing stuff like this (but you probably already knew that).

Incidentally, I wish I had known about that free survey site when I was doing the BASAs. Next year it'll be easier.

Comments on "USMNT/MLS in 2010 Survey"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:49 AM, January 22, 2007) : 

An "other" option for #3 would be good.


Blogger Kali said ... (10:35 AM, January 22, 2007) : 

You can try for the BASAs too.


Blogger scaryice said ... (6:19 PM, January 22, 2007) : 

I specifically did not include an other option, because I wanted people to consider the choices we have now. Of course some other player could come out of nowhere and start.


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