Friday, February 19, 2010

New England Revolution - Best Goals 2009 Compilation

Final Record: 11-10-9 (42 pts)


10) Shalrie Joseph
9) Kenny Mansally
8) Kheli Dube
7) Shalrie Joseph
6) Sainey Nyassi
5) Edgaras Jankauskas
4) Sainey Nyassi
3) Shalrie Joseph
2) Wells Thompson
1) Edgaras Jankauskas

Note: Only goals scored in the 2009 regular season were considered.

Don't forget to subscribe to the CTL Youtube Channel!

Further Viewing

Other 2009 Goal Comps

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Comments on "New England Revolution - Best Goals 2009 Compilation"


Blogger The SACK Lunch Team said ... (1:19 PM, February 23, 2010) : 

where did you find the audio that you start all those videos with? the one that says "mine eyes have seen the glory"


Blogger scaryice said ... (4:16 AM, March 01, 2010) : 

Ripped it from the "Our Way" dvd. I have a bunch of Jack Edwards sound bites, if you're looking for them.


Blogger The SACK Lunch Team said ... (1:55 PM, March 01, 2010) : 

where can i find that dvd? its not on amazon


Anonymous candy said ... (2:44 AM, March 21, 2010) : 

England I will always love you guys. Cheers!!


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