Thursday, March 10, 2011

CTL now on

Climbing the Ladder: Champs usually start hot

First column, which will appear weekly. Pretty cool, huh?


Comments on "CTL now on"


Blogger ERic said ... (10:13 AM, March 10, 2011) : 

Very cool! Congratulations! (hope you're actually getting a little pocket change for it!)


Blogger Oscar M. said ... (11:27 AM, March 10, 2011) : 

congrats - i was hoping they'd come to their senses and pick you up. About time.


Blogger elopingcamel said ... (5:51 PM, March 10, 2011) : 

Awesome! Congrats.


Blogger Edgar said ... (12:40 AM, March 11, 2011) : 



Anonymous MrTuktoyakuk said ... (7:34 PM, March 12, 2011) : 

Your stuff will add good content to MLS's site. I'm impressed!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:14 PM, March 13, 2011) : 

will they make you count shootouts as wins and losses or can you continue to count them as ties?


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