Thursday, May 19, 2011

MLS: Number of Games Where Both Teams Led

There hasn't been too many so far this year, did you notice? It's only happened five times in 86 games.

1996 18.1% 3.37
1997 24.4% 3.26
1998 21.9% 3.57
1999 12.5% 2.86
2000 17.2% 3.19
2001 19.6% 3.28
2002 18.6% 3.01
2003 19.3% 2.89
2004 16.7% 2.61
2005 15.6% 2.87
2006 15.6% 2.62
2007 15.4% 2.66
2008 15.7% 2.81
2009 12.9% 2.54
2010 11.7% 2.46
2011 5.8% 2.38

Obviously, it's related to the number of goals, since at least three are needed in a match.. This year's seen a smaller percentage than would be normal so far, though it should creep back up to at least at ten percent eventually.

One note about this data. I used the MLS method of counting each game as exactly 90 minutes, regardless of how long stoppage time is. So if one team were took a lead and then gave it up during that time in either half, then I'm not able to include it here. It can't have happened too many times in league history, though.

Also, games from 2000-03 that went into overtime are affected. Since some of the games ended with a golden goal, I don't count those winners as a lead. If a game was 0-0 until a golden goal in the 97th minute, then I would record it as 97 tied minutes.

There have been several MLS teams to only have one game in an entire season where both teams led, but never has a team gone the whole season without one. Although, NY and RSL each had only one last year and zero this year so far (not including the RSL-Dallas playoff game).

Seven teams have broken double digits, and it's fair to say that these teams were exciting to watch, right? Even though some weren't very good:

RSL 2006 10
NY 2005 10
CHI 2000 10
KC 1998 11
NY 1998 10
NE 1997 10
NY 1997 11


Comments on "MLS: Number of Games Where Both Teams Led"


Blogger maniac said ... (5:46 AM, May 20, 2011) :


Blogger Igor said ... (3:17 PM, May 22, 2011) : 

Lots of NY teams on that last list. hehe


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